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The Uniform 制服


既に2年に渡るコロナ禍にあり、対面での公演はおろかリハーサルもできなかった日々。ようやく2021年夏から動きが活発化し始めた。New York市のCity Artists Corps Grantsに採択され「制服」のステージリーディング・公開リハーサルを開催できた。やっぱり顔を見ながら演技し合うのは最高!少数ながら観客も招き嬉しいひとときを分かち合えた。この厳しい状況でも、模索しつつクリエイトの思考を止めない....それに尽きる。

It's already been in Coronavirus Pandemic for two years, and I couldn't even rehearse, let alone face-to-face performances. Finally, the movement started to become active in the summer of 2021.

"The Uniform" was selected by City Artists Corps Grants in New York City and was able to hold a staged reading and a public rehearsal. After all, it is best to act while looking at each other! Although it was a small number, the audience was invited to share a happy time. Even in this difficult time, I can't stop creating as an artist .... That's all.

Year of Production: 2021

Presented by: Kurotama Kikaku

Directed by: Jun Kim

Venue: CPR (Center for Performance Research), Brooklyn

Actors: Jun, Kazue Peck, Tokio Sasaki, Yasu Suzuki, Hiroko Yonekura


© 2022 Jun Kim 

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