NYを拠点に俳優、演出家、パフォーマーとしてInternationalに活動。またPerforming Arts企画グループ「くろたま企画」を設立し、作品や舞台のクリエイトに努める。代表出演舞台に、ソニー創設を題材にしたドキュメンタリーメディア作品「HEAVENLY BENTO」で盛田昭夫氏を初演からベルリン、ボン、シンガポール、NY、東京で主演。
ジム・シンプソンとシガニー・ウィーバー率いる劇団バットシアターカンパニーのオビー賞受賞作品歌舞伎プレイ「BENTEN KOZO」主演。クルト・ヴァイル作曲の音楽劇「Marie Galante」、平成中村座NY公演「夏祭り」「法界坊」(串田和美演出)、 島田雅彦作「ルナ輪廻転生の物語」、ヘンデルの「メサイヤ」NY、オランダ公演など。映画/テレビでは木の実ナナ主演ドラマ「万引きGメン二階堂雪」、 ジェシー・アイゼンバーグ主演映画「The Living Wake」、村上春樹の小説アフターダークをベースにした映画「416 MINUTES 」、Independent film「The Hanji Box」、「The Apologizers」に出演。
演出家として2005年に安部公房作「制服」のステージリーディング、2008年「Kayoko Sakoh Dance」日本公演、2011年にはNY版「沓掛時次郎」"Kutsukake Tokijiro"を脚色・演出・出演・プロデュースし、NHK大河ドラマ「篤姫」「江~姫たちの戦国~」等の作曲家、吉俣 良氏とのコラボレーションでNYの劇評家達から絶賛される。2012年、NYの演劇人による東日本大震災復興支援プロジェクト「SHINSAI Theaters for Japan」に参加・演出・出演。2013年よりwork-in-progressプロジェクト安部公房作「The Uniform」世界初翻訳の企画進行中。またピーター・ブルックの愛弟子で、パリ在住のヨシ笈田演出のオペラ「Curlew River」NY公演で笈田氏のアシスタントを務める。また2016、2017年には、NYのJudson Memorial Churchでアルゼンチンタンゴのイベントを企画・演出・プロデュースする。
2019年10月、鹿児島港本港区北ふ頭1号上屋を舞台に「ニューヨーク発バイリンガル劇TOKIJIRO」鹿児島公演を実現し、大好評を得る。2021年9月、New York CityのCity Artists Corps Grantsに選ばれ「The Uniform」(制服) Open Staged ReadingをCPR, Brooklynに於いて開催する。2022年には鹿児島県「令和3年度新たな日常での文化芸術活動支援事業(映像配信支援)」として映像作品「OUTBREAK!なに!なに!なに!?」を制作、2022年2月より配信スタートし公演だけでなく映像クリエイトにも力を注いでいる。
Jun Kim, a native of Japan with Korean heritage, is an actor, dancer, director, and teacher. He is an original member of the Bat Theater Company and has worked and collaborated with Jim Simpson and the Bat Theater for their six productions. He is also a founder of Kurotama Kikaku (performing arts development group) and in 2011 he produced, directed, and acted Off-Off-Broadway production of "Kutsukake Tokijiro" presented at The Flea Theater.
He has performed more than 30 productions in Japan, Holland, Germany, Singapore, Russia, and the US. His theater credits include, "Heavenly Bento" with Post Theater performed at the Aoyama Round Theatre in Tokyo, Japan Society in NY, Museum for Communication/Sophiensaele in Berlin, Bonn Biennale in Bonn, and Singapore Arts Festival in Singapore, "Benten Kozo" directed by Jim Simpson(Obie), "Marie Galante" by Kurt Weill with Opera Francais de New York performed at Florence Gould Hall NY, "Natsu Matsuri" with Nakamura Kanzaburo's Heisei Nakamuraza Kabuki Theater performed at the Lincoln Center Festival directed by Kazuyoshi Kushida, the one man play "Dust Storm" by Rick Foster, "The Return of the Chocolate Smeared Woman" with Karen Finley, "Ballad of Yachiyo" by Philip Kan Gotanda, "Hold the Clock" with Yoshiko Chuma, "Saran ~people~" in Tokyo, Japan, "Foreign Exchange" with Playwrights Theatre of New Jersey, "Cellophane" by Mac Wellman, "Handel's Messiah" directed by Eric Fraad performed in Holland and NY, "Sake with the Haiku Geisha", "The Country Girl", and more. His film and TV credits include "416 minutes" of WaxFactory, "Manbiki G-man" with Nana Kinomi in Japan, "The Living Wake" with Jesse Eisenberg, "Limousine Drive", "L Train to Brooklyn", the independent film "The Hanji Box" and "The Apologizers."
Ha has directed "SHINSAI Theaters for Japan-exclusive staged-reading" at the LaMaMa studio in 2012, Off-Off-Broadway production of "Kutsukake Tokijiro" by Shin Hasegawa at the Flea Theater in 2011, a work-in-progress performance of "Kutsukake Tokijiro" at CRS in 2010 and Staged Reading at Center Stage in 2009. He also directed Kayoko Sakoh Dance's "Heart to Heart" dance performance in Japan in 2008 and the dance performance “Woman's words” in 2015. He produced and directed the Argentine Tango event at the Judson Memorial Church in New York in 2016 and 2017.
In 2019, he produced, directed, and presented “TOKIJIRO” a bilingual play from New York to Kagoshima, Japan. It was the site-specific show that took place at the North Pier Warehouse at the edge of Kagoshima Port, facing Sakurajima Volcano, the symbol of Kagoshima-city. In 2021, he was selected as an artist for City Artists Corps Grants in New York City and held "The Uniform" Open Staged Reading at CPR, Brooklyn. In 2022, Jun created a new short movie “OUTBREAK! what! what! what!?”, as Kagoshima Prefecture's "Reiwa 3rd Year New Daily Cultural Arts Activity Support Project (Video Distribution Support Division)” and its distribution started in February 2022. He is now focusing on video creation as well as a live performance.
He has studied at Ecole Philippe Gaulier in Paris and Complicite in London. He has also studied with Terese Haydon, Jacqueline Brooks who were faculty of Circle in the Square Theatre School and original members of Actors Studio in New York. He was an assistant for Yoshi Oida's direction of "Curlew River" performed in New York. In addition, he has studied classical ballet with Alfredo Corvino, Andra and Ernesta Corvino in NY. He has studied Noh Theatre (Kanze Ryu) at Takeda Noh-Shu-Kan in Japan. Jun has been giving workshops and teaching acting and movements in the US and Japan.
Jun Kim is a recipient of a grant from the Japan-US Arts Program of Asian Cultural Council in 2003 and studied Kabuki Theater's direction and staging with Kazuyoshi Kushida and Nakamura Kanzaburo, an artistic director of the Heisei Nakamuraza in Japan.
© 2022 Jun Kim